Jie Zhou



I graduated from Beijing JiaoTong University in 2015 with a B.S. degree in School of Software. Now I am a Master student of Software Engineering at Tsinghua University. I work in the Systems and Ubiquitous Networking (SUN) group in the Institute of Trustworthy Networks and Systems, advised by Yuan He. My research interests are in the field of Machine Learning and Virtual Reality.


  • Unattended and Remote Diagnostic System for the Energy Internet
  • The system provides a virtual reality user interface to monitor the world's first 300MVar water-cooling compensators, mainly using the following technology: three dimensional reconstruction, data visualization, big data analysis and pedestrian detection.

  • Film Review Mining System based on Sentiment Lexicon
  • The main function of system is capturing comments about the specified film, extracting the film features and emotional words based on the sentiment lexicon, sentiment classification, and generating visual representations of data.


She is working hard to fill this empty section!


  •  zhouj15@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn