
Dec 17, 2023 Invited to serve as Poster/Demo Co-Chair and Publication Co-Chair of ACM HotMobile 2024
Dec 7, 2023 Our work RF-Diffusion got accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024 with shepherding :sparkles:
Dec 4, 2023 Our three works edgeSLAM 2.0, EventBoost, TransformLoc, got accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2024 :sparkles:
Aug 8, 2023 Our one work on event-camera-based fast sensing got accepted by ACM MobiCom 2023 :sparkles:
Aug 7, 2023 So far, in 2023, our other work:
Jun 10, 2023 Invited to serve on the TPC of EAI MobiQuitous 2023 and IEEE ICPADS 2023.
Mar 1, 2023 ACM SIGCOMM China Doctoral Dissertation Award :tada: