Jiliang Wang (王继良)

Associate Professor
Email: jiliangwang AT tsinghua.edu.cn


Jiliang Wang is currently an associate professor at School of Software, Tsinghua University, P.R.China. He is broadly interested in Internet of Things (IoT) combined with AI. He is particularly focused on advancing communication, sensing, and data processing techniques using AI with IoT techniques, with applications in industrial and health domains. Jiliang Wang received his Ph.D. degree at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and his B.Eng from University of Science and Technology of China.

课题组招收硕士、博士生、博士后 Currently, I am looking for self-motivated undergraduate/MPhil/PhD students and PostDocs to work with me. If you are interested in my research areas, please contact me.
物联网通信感知基础或《物联网导论》课程的基本信息,可以访问 [这里]。My course material on Introduction to Internet of Things can be found [here].
大模型移动应用开发或《移动应用开发》课程信息,可以访问 [这里]。My course material on LLM enhanced Mobile App Development [here].


We are organizing TIOT Special issue on LLM Empowered Internet of Things. Consider submit your work to the SI.
Our work on large-scale LoRa network measurement won the ACM SenSys 2023 Best Paper Award Runner-up.
I am serving as the publicity chair of ACM MobiCom 2024. Please consider submit your work to MobiCom.
Our work on long range active LoRa sensing is accepted by ICNP 2024.
I am serving as the publicity chair of ACM MobiSys 2024. Please consider submit your work to MobiSys.
We are organizing the ACM TOSN Special Issue on Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs). Please consider submit your work to this special issue.
Our work NELoRa won the best paper at ACM SenSys 2021.
Two papers are accepted in ACM MobiCom 2021.
Our work AlignTrack for LoRa collision decoding is accepted in IEEE ICNP 2021.
Our work won the IWQoS 2021 Best Paper Award Runner-up.
物联网课程材料: IoT course material and code is also available at link.
INFOCOM 2021: Our work Pyramid, a real time LoRa decoder, was accepted in INFOCOM 2021. Source code is also available at code.
MOBISYS 2020: Our work NSCale, a receiver side concurrent LoRa collision decoding method, was accepted.
MOBISYS 2020: Our work BlueDoor on analyzing the Bluetooth low energy (BLE) communication vulnerability was accepted.
SECON 2020: Our work FlipLoRa, an effective technique to improve concurrency by flip LoRa symbol, was accepted.
INFOCOM 2020: Our work CoLoRa on concurrent packet reception in LPWAN was accepted.
INFOCOM 2020: Our work DyLoRa on dynamic transmission control and parameter selection for LPWAN was accepted.
INFOCOM 2020: Our work AcouRadar on single source acoustic based localization was accepted.
ICDCS 2019 & IWQOS 2019: Two works on adaptive video streaming and bitrate adaption for mobile and wireless networks are accepted in ICDCS 2019 and IWQoS 2019, respectively.
Invited to be the publicity chair of IEEE SECON 2020.
Invited to be a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM 2020.
We are organizing two workshops on LPWAN in conjunction with ICPADS 2018 and EWSN 2019, respectively. The two workshops are The 1st workshop on Low Power Wide Area Networks for Internet of Things (LPNET) and The 1st Workshop on LPWAN Systems and Applications (LPWANSys 2018).
MOBICOM 2018: Our work RainbowLight on ambient visible light positioning is accepted in ACM MobiCom 2018.
TON: Our work GeneWave, on fast and secure acoustic based device to device (also mobile to mobile) communication, is accepted in Transactions on Networking (ToN).
Invited to be a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM 2019.
INFOCOM 2018: 4 papers from our group, on wireless sensing, wireless and edge computing, and IoT security, respectively, were accepted in IEEE INFOCOM 2018.
Awarded as Distinguished TPC Member of IEEE INFOCOM 2018.


Our work, on mobile gaze tracking and application, was accepted in Ubicomp 2017.
Our work, on low power wireless design, was accepted in IEEE ICNP 2017.
Our work on energy efficient communication in coexistence environment was accepted in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
Our work on efficient data flooding was accepted in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN).
Awarded as Distinguished TPC Member of IEEE INFOCOM 2017.
Our work was accepted in IEEE SECON 2017.
Our work was accepted in IEEE INFOCOM 2017.
Best paper award: our work "Link level behaviour measurement in a large scale wireless sensor network" won the best paper award in MSN 2016.
Invited to be a TPC member in IEEE SECON 2017.
Awarded as Distinguished TPC Member of INFOCOM 2016.
Our work "Smokey", a wireless based smoking detection system, accepted in INFOCOM 2016.


Recent Publications


Jinyan Jiang, Jiliang Wang, Yijie Chen, Shuai Tong, Pengjin Xie, Yihao Liu, Yunhao Liu: Willow: Practical WiFi Backscatter Localization with Parallel Tags. ACM MobiSys 2024
Chenning Li, Yidong Ren, Shuai Tong, Shakhrul Iman Siam, Mi Zhang, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, Zhichao Cao: ChirpTransformer: Versatile LoRa Encoding for Low-power Wide-area IoT. ACM MobiSys 2024
Guanyu Cai, Jiliang Wang: Locating Your Smart Devices with a Single Speaker. ACM SenSys 2024
Boxin Hou, Jiliang Wang: LoBaCa: Super-Resolution LoRa Backscatter Localization for Low-Cost Tags, IEEE INFOCOM 2024
Guanyu Cai, Jiliang Wang: ATP: Acoustic Tracking and Positioning under Multipath and Doppler Effect, IEEE INFOCOM 2024
Yihao Liu, Jinyan Jiang, Jiliang Wang: LoMu: Enable Long-Range Multi-Target Backscatter Sensing for Low-Cost Tags, IEEE INFOCOM 2024
Jinyan Jiang, Jiliang Wang, Yihao Liu, Yijie Chen, Yunhao Liu: WiCloak: Protect Location Privacy of WiFi Devices. IPSN 2024
Shuai Tong, Jiliang Wang, Jing Yang, Yunhao Liu, Jun Zhang "Citywide LoRa Network Deployment and Operation: Measurements, Analysis, and Implications", ACM SenSys 2023. Best Paper Award Runner-up [PDF]
Zhipeng Song, Shuai Tong, Jiliang Wang "LoSense: Integrated Long-Range Sensing and Communication with LoRa Signals", IEEE ICNP 2023.
Jinyan Jiang, Jiliang Wang, Yijie Chen, Yihao Liu and Yunhao Liu. "LocRa: Enable Practical Long-Range Backscatter Localization for Low-Cost Tags", ACM MobiSys 2023. [PDF]
Yihang Song, Li Lu, Jiliang Wang, Chong Zhang, Hui Zheng, Shen Yang, Jinsong Han, Jian Li. "μMote: Enabling Passive Chirp De-spreading and μW-level Long-Range Downlink for Backscatter Devices", USENIX NSDI 2023. [PDF]
Shuai Tong, Yangliang He, Yunhao Liu, Jiliang Wang. "De-spreading over the air: long-range CTC for diverse receivers with LoRa", ACM MobiCom 2022. [PDF]
Jing Yang, Baishun Dong, Jiliang Wang. "VULoc: Accurate UWB Localization for Countless Targets without Synchronization", ACM IMWUT(Ubicomp) 2022. [PDF]
Zhenqiang Xu, Pengjin Xie, Jiliang Wang, and Yunhao Liu . "Ostinato: Combating LoRa Weak Links in Real Deployments", IEEE ICNP 2022. [PDF]
Chenning Li, Hanqing Guo; Shuai Tong; Xiao Zeng, Zhichao Cao, Mi Zhang, Qiben Yan, Li Xiao, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu. "NELoRa: Towards Ultra-low SNR LoRa Communication with Neural-enhanced Demodulation", ACM SenSys 2021. Best Paper Award [PDF]
Shuai Tong, Zilin Shen, Yunhao Liu, Jiliang Wang. "Combating Link Dynamics for Reliable LoRa Connection in Urban Settings", ACM MobiCom 2021. [PDF]
Jinyan Jiang, Zhenqiang Xu, Jiliang Wang. "Long-Range Ambient LoRa Backscatter with Parallel Decoding", ACM MobiCom 2021. [PDF]
Qian Chen, Jiliang Wang. "AlignTrack: Push the Limit of LoRa Collision Decoding", IEEE ICNP 2021. [PDF]
Chunyu Qiao, Jiliang Wang, Yanan Wang, Yunhao Liu, Hu Tuo. "Understanding and Improving User Engagement in Adaptive Video Streaming", IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2021. Best Paper Award Runner-up
Zhenqiang Xu, Pengjin Xie, Jiliang Wang. "Pyramid: Real-Time LoRa Collision Decoding withPeak Tracking", IEEE INFOCOM 2021. [PDF code]
Shuai Tong, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu. "Combating Packet Collisions Using Non-Stationary Signal Scaling in LPWANs", ACM MOBISYS 2020. [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Feng Hu, Ye Zhou, Hanyi Zhang, Zhe Liu, Yunhao Liu. "BlueDoor: Breaking the Secure Information Flow via BLE Vulnerability", ACM MOBISYS 2020.
Pengjin Xie, Lingkun Li, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu. "LiTag: localization and posture estimation with passive visible light tags", ACM SENSYS 2020.
Zhenqiang Xu, Shuai Tong, Pengjin Xie, Jiliang Wang, "FlipLoRa: Resolving Collisions with Up-Down Quasi-Orthogonality", IEEE SECON 2020
Yinghui Li, Jing Yang, Jiliang Wang. "DyLoRa: Towards Energy Efficient Dynamic LoRa Transmission Control", IEEE INFOCOM 2020.
Shuai Tong, Zhenqiang Xu, Jiliang Wang. "CoLoRa: Enable Muti-Packet Reception in LoRa", IEEE INFOCOM 2020. [PDF]
Linsong Cheng, Zhao Wang, Yunting Zhang, Weiyi Wang, Weimin Xu, Jiliang Wang. "Towards Single Source based Acoustic Localization", IEEE INFOCOM 2020. [PDF]
Chunyu Qiao, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, "Beyond QoE: Diversity Adaption in Video Streaming at the Edge", IEEE ICDCS 2019. [PDF]
Chunyu Qiao, Gen Li, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, "NEIVA: environment identification based video bitrate adaption in cellular networks", IWQOS 2019. [PDF]
Peng-Jun Wan, Z. Wang, H. Yuan, Jiliang Wang, J. Zhang:, "MWSR over an Uplink Gaussian Channel with Box Constraints: A Polymatroidal Approach", ACM MobiHoc 2019. [PDF]
Lingkun Li, Pengjin Xie, Jiliang Wang. "RainbowLight: Towards Low Cost Ambient Light Positioning with Mobile Phones", ACM MOBICOM 2018. [PDF]
Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang, Daibo Liu, Xin Miao, Qiang Ma, Xufei Mao. "Chase++: Fountain-Enabled Fast Flooding in Asynchronous Duty Cycle Networks", IEEE INFOCOM 2018. [PDF]
Yunting Zhang, Jiliang Wang, Weiyi Wang, Zhao Wang, Yunhao Liu. "Vernier: Accurate and Fast Acoustic Motion Tracking Using Mobile Devices", IEEE INFOCOM 2018. [PDF] [Video]
Jiaxi Gu, Jiliang Wang, Zhiwen Yu, Kele Shen. "Walls Have Ears: Traffic-based Side-channel Attack in Video Streaming", IEEE INFOCOM 2018. [PDF]
Linsong Cheng, Jiliang Wang. "ViTrack: Efficient Tracking on the Edge for Commodity Video Surveillance Systems", IEEE INFOCOM 2018. [PDF]
P. Wan, H. Yuan, Jiliang Wang, J. Ren, Y. Zhang. "Joint Selection and Scheduling of Communication Requests in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks under SINR Model", IEEE INFOCOM 2018. [PDF]
Pengjing Xie, Jingchao Feng, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang. "GeneWave: Fast Authentication and Key Agreement on Commodity Mobile Devices", IEEE ICNP 2017. [PDF]
Yinghui Li, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang. "Gazture: Design and Implementation of a Gaze based Gesture Control System on Tablets", ACM UBICOMP 2017. [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Wei Dong. "Understanding Link Level Behaviour in A Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Network", MSN 2016. Best Paper Award [PDF]
Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang, Xiaolong Zheng, Daibo Liu. "Chase: Taming Concurrent Broadcast for Flooding in Asynchronous Duty Cycle", IEEE ICNP 2016. [PDF]
Linsong Cheng, Jiliang Wang. "How Can I Guard My AP? Non-intrusive User Identification for Mobile Devices Using WiFi Signals", ACM MOBIHOC 2016. [PDF]
Xiaolong Zheng, Jiliang Wang, Longfei Shangguan, Zimu Zhou, Yunhao Liu. "Smokey: Ubiquitous Smoking Detection with Commercial WiFi Infrastructures", IEEE INFOCOM 2016. [PDF] [Slides]
Yi Zhang, Jiliang Wang, Yuan He, Yanrong Kang, Bo Li, Yunhao Liu. "Q-offload: Quality Aware WiFi Offloading with Link Dynamics", IEEE RTSS 2015. [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Shuo Lian, Wei Dong, Yunhao Liu, Xiang-Yang Li. "Every Packet Counts: Fine-Grained Delay and Loss Measurement with Reordering", IEEE ICNP 2014. [PDF]
Xiaolong Zheng, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu. "ZiSense: Towards Interference Resilient Duty Cycling in Wireless Sensor Networks", ACM SenSys 2014. [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Zhichao Cao, Xufei Mao, Yunhao Liu, "Sleep in the Dins: Insomnia Therapy for Duty-cycled Sensor Networks", IEEE INFOCOM 2014. [PDF]
Xiaoyu Ji, Jiliang Wang, Mingyan Liu, Yubo Yan, Panlong Yang, Yunhao Liu, "Hitchhike: Riding Control on Preambles", IEEE INFOCOM 2014. [PDF]
Xiaoyu Ji, Yuan He, Jiliang Wang, Wei Dong, Xiaopei Wu, Yunhao Liu, "Walking down the STAIRS: Efficient Collision Resolution for Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE INFOCOM 2014. [PDF]
Xiaoyu Ji, Yuan He, Jiliang Wang, Kaishun Wu, Ke Yi, Yunhao Liu, "Voice Over the Dins: Improving Wireless Channel Utilization with Collision Tolerance", IEEE ICNP 2013. [PDF]
Daibo Liu, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang, Yuan He, Mengshu Hou, Yunhao Liu, "DOF: Duplicate Detectable Opportunistic Forwarding in Duty Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE ICNP 2013. [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Wei Dong, Zhichao Cao, Yunhao Liu, "On the Delay Performance Analysis in A Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Network", IEEE RTSS 2012. [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Wei Dong, Zhichao Cao, Yunhao Liu, "Efficient Delay Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE RTSS@Work 2012.
Lin Wang, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu, Wenyuan Liu, Jiliang Wang, Nan Jing, , "It is Not Just a Matter of Time: Oscillation-Free Emergency Navigation with Sensor Networks", IEEE RTSS 2012.
Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, Mo Li, Wei Dong, Yuan He,"QoF: Towards Comprehensive Path Quality Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks" , IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.(Acceptance Rate: 15.96%) [PDF] [Slides]
Shuguang Xiong, Jianzhong Li, Mo Li, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, "Multiple Task Scheduling for Low-Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011. (Acceptance Rate: 15.96%)
Yunhao Liu, Yuan He, Mo Li, Jiliang Wang, et al. "Does Wireless Sensor Network Scale? A Measurement Study on GreenOrbs", IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.(Acceptance Rate: 15.96%)
Zhengjiang Li, Mo Li, Jiliang Wang, Zhichao Cao, "Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.(Acceptance Rate: 15.96%)
Jiliang Wang, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu, "Fractured Voronoi Segments: Topology Discovery for Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE MASS 2010, San Francisco, USA, November 8-12.


Zhenqiang Xu, Pengjin Xie, Shuai Tong, Jiliang Wang. "From Demodulation to Decoding: Towards Complete LoRa PHY Understanding and Implementation", ACM Trans. Sen. Netw (TOSN), 2022.
Shuai Tong, Zhenqiang Xu, Jiliang Wang. "CoLoRa: Enabling Multi-Packet Reception in LoRa Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2022.
Shuai Tong, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu. "Combating Packet Collisions Using Non-Stationary Signal Scaling in LPWANs",IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 30, Issue 3, Pages 1104-1117, 2022.
Linsong Cheng, Jiliang Wang, Yinghui Li. "ViTrack: Efficient Tracking on the Edge for Commodity Video Surveillance Systems", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 33, Issue 3, Pages 723-735, 2022.
Chunyu Qiao, Gen Li, Qiang Ma, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu. "Trace-Driven Optimization on Bitrate Adaptation for Mobile Video Streaming", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 21, Issue 6, Pages 2243-2256, 2022.
Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang, Daibo Liu, Qiang Ma, Xin Miao, Xufei Mao. "Chase++: Fountain-Enabled Fast Flooding in Asynchronous Duty Cycle Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 29, Issue 1, Pages 245-257, 2021.
Chunyu Qiao, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu. "Beyond QoE: Diversity Adaptation in Video Streaming at the Edge", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 29, Issue 1, Pages 289-302, 2021.
Yunhao Liu, Jiliang Wang, Yunting Zhang, Linsong Cheng, Weiyi Wang, Zhao Wang, Weimin Xu, Zhenjiang Li. "Vernier: Accurate and Fast Acoustic Motion Tracking Using Mobile Devices", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 20, Issue 2, Pages 756-764, 2021.
Lingkun Li, Pengjin Xie, Jiliang Wang. "Enabling 3D Ambient Light Positioning with Mobile Phones and Battery-Free Chips", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 20, Issue 3, Pages 952-964, 2021.
Linsong Cheng, Jiliang Wang. "Walls Have No Ears: A Non-Intrusive WiFi-Based User Identification System for Mobile Devices", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 27, Issue 1, Pages 245-257, 2019.
Jiaxi Gu, Jiliang Wang, Zhiwen Yu, Kele Shen. "Traffic-Based Side-Channel Attack in Video Streaming", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 27, Issue 3, Pages 972-985, 2019.
Pengjin Xie, Jingchao Feng, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang. "GeneWave: Fast Authentication and Key Agreement on Commodity Mobile Devices", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 26, Issue 4, Pages 1688-1700, AUGUST 2018.
Daibo Liu, Mengshu Hou, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang. "Adaptive Retransmission Layer for Duty Cycle Wireless Networks", IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 67(12): 11950-11964 (2018).
Xiaolong Zheng, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu. "Interference Resilient Duty Cycling for Sensor Networks Under Co-Existing Environments", IEEE Trans. Communications 65(7): 2971-2984 (2017).
Xiaoyu Ji, Yuan He, Jiliang Wang, Kaishun Wu, Daibo Liu, Ke Yi, Yunhao Liu. "On Improving Wireless Channel Utilization: A Collision Tolerance-Based Approach", IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 16(3): 787-800 (2017).
Zhichao Cao, Daibo Liu, Jiliang Wang, Xiaolong Zheng. "Chase: Taming Concurrent Broadcast for Flooding in Asynchronous Duty Cycle Networks", IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 25(5): 2872-2885 (2017).
Xiaolong Zheng, Jiliang Wang, Longfei Shangguan, Zimu Zhou, Yunhao Liu:. "Design and Implementation of a CSI-Based Ubiquitous Smoking Detection System", IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 25(6): 3781-3793 (2017).
Daibo Liu, Mengshu Hou, Zhichao Cao, Jiliang Wang, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu:. "Duplicate Detectable Opportunistic Forwarding in Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 24(2): 662-673 (2016).
Wei Dong, Jie Yu, Jiliang Wang et al. "Accurate and Robust Time Reconstruction for Deployed Sensor Networks", IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 24(4): 2372-2385 (2016).
Jiliang Wang, Shuo Lian, Wei Dong, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu. "Every Packet Counts: Loss and Reordering Identification and Its Application in Delay Measurement ", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), accepted to appear.
Xiaolong Zheng, Jiliang Wang, Wei Dong, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu. "Bulk Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks: Analysis, Implications and Improvement", IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Zhichao Cao, Xufei Mao, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu. "Towards Energy Efficient Duty-Cycled Networks: Analysis, Implications and Improvement", IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Wei Dong, Zhichao Cao, Yunhao Liu, "On the Delay Performance in a Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Network: Measurement, Analysis and Implications", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), accepted to appear. [PDF]
Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, Mo Li, Wei Dong, Yuan He,"QoF: Towards Comprehensive Path Quality Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), accepted to appear.
Zhenjiang Li, Yunhao Liu, Mo Li, Jiliang Wang, and Zhichao Cao, "Exploiting Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 24, Issue 2, Pages 312-326, February 2013. [PDF] (Spotlight of the February 2013 Issue)
Yunhao Liu, Yuan He, Mo Li, Jiliang Wang, Kebin Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, "Does Wireless Sensor Network Scale? A Measurement Study on GreenOrbs", IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 24(10): 1983-1993 (2013).
Jiliang Wang, Mo Li,Yunhao Liu, Zheng Yang, "Sensor Network Navigation without Locations", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 24, Issue 7, Pages 1436-1446, July 2013.

Professional Activities

Program Committee member for:
Fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (RealWSN 2013)
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2014)
Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC2014)
International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communication (BigCom 2015)
The 21st IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2015)
The IEEE 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2016, 2018)
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2019)
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (IEEE SECON 2017, IEEE SECON 2018, IEEE SECON 2019)
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2016, IEEE INFOCOM 2017, IEEE INFOCOM 2018, IEEE INFOCOM 2019, IEEE INFOCOM 2020, IEEE INFOCOM 2021)
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS 2019, IEEE ICDCS 2020)
Publicity Chair:
Publication Chair:
ACM TURC 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Local Arrangement Chair:
International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2019)
Workshop PC Chair:
The 1st Workshop on LPWAN Systems and Applications (LPWANSys 2018) in conjunction with ICPADS 2018
The 1st workshop on Low Power Wide Area Networks for Internet of Things (LPNET) in conjunction with EWSN 2019


Our research is funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金面上项目,青年基金项目), National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientist (国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目), National Key R&D Program of China (国家重点研发计划), funds from industry (工业界合作项目), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (博士后基金), etc.